How To Prepare for Moving Day

You are now in the final stages of your moving process, where the days till you move out are inching forward. On the one hand, it seems as if you have been planning this move forever and the day will never come! On the other hand, it feels like your moving date is quickly approaching and you do not have enough time to prepare. Here are a few ways to prepare in advance for the big day:

1. Pack, pack, pack!

Do not procrastinate and wait until the last minute to pack! That will result in unnecessary stress and a massive headache. It is best to start packing as soon as possible to avoid such panic. Even if you are weeks away from your moving date, you can start to pack the things that you do not use daily. As you pack your things, you should keep a record of all of the items that were placed in boxes. You can create a checklist in your notepad or phone, so you can easily carry it around or simply download or print our checklist from Although most of your belongings will be packed in boxes, there are some items that you will carry personally such as important documents. You should also make note of these items so you do not forget them on the day of the move.

2.      Finalize delivery details

You should contact your hired moving company to confirm all of the details of your move. You need to make sure that they have the correct date and time of your move and the address of your new place. Even if you have hired a highly professional and reliable moving company, mishaps can occur, so it is best to be certain.

3.      Utility/Subscription Cancellation

Arrange for the disconnection of utilities with your service provider or transfer your service to your new place. Also, if you receive regular subscriptions to newspapers or magazines, you should cancel the subscription. You should inform your Credit Card Company and bank of your address change as well. All of these things contain your personal information, so you need to ensure that they will be delivered to you at your appropriate address.

4.      “Last minute” details

If you have any items that you will not be taking with you due to lack of space or use, now is the time to store or get rid of them. Make arrangements with a storage company to rent a storage unit for the belongings that you want but cannot take with you. For the items that you have but do not want, you can sell them through a reliable website that allows the sale of goods or a classic garage sale.

Here are more tips and information on moving read more

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